Publication opportunities

Submitted Papers could be selected for the Special Issue of the following journals. The invitation for submission to special issue will be sent to conference participants after the conference.

  • Asian Journal of Law and Economics (De Gruyter Publisher) – ISI-ESCI;

Asian Journal of Law and Economics

  • Journal of Economic Development (Chung-Ang University) – Scopus;

Journal of Economics Development

  • Special Issue - International Journal of Economics and Management (University Putra Malaysia) – Scopus;

International Journal of Economics and Management

  • China Finance Review International - Scopus;

China Finance Review International

  • Special Issue - Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies - Scopus;

Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies

  • Book Series “Vietnam and the Global Economy” (World Scientific, Singapore).


The conference also provides an opportunity for scholars to meet and discuss directly with editors and associate editors for several SSCI/Scopus journals, including the International Review of Financial Analysis, The Singapore Economic Review (World Scientific), and Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, The Journal of Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Finance Research Letters; Resources Policy, The International Journal of Emerging Markets.

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